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Men At Work
"Helping Men in marginalized communities reaffirm their Christian Identity, Dignity & Personal Vision"

The Men’s pilot project has run its one-year course. WTRC has evaluated the project and identified its successes and failures, what worked and what didn’t work and what they think can be further improved under a given set of circumstances. WTRC believes there is a place in development for a faith based empowerment program designed specifically for men. WTRC would like to test their theory and to determine if it is valid, prevalent, and relevant.
The Men’s Forum entitled, Men at Work; was held on November 24 - 26, 2014 at First Pacific Leadership Academy in Antipolo City, Philippines. Helping men in marginalized communities reaffirm their Christian identity, personal vision and dignity aims to ask the following questions:
Is there a need to conceptualize and implement faith based programs specifically for the renewal of men in poverty?
What specific needs do men in poverty situations have that are not currently being addressed or are inadequately addressed?
Are there existing secular &/or faith based projects aimed specifically at empowering men?
What are the possible programs that can be done? what is being done to expand people’s minds on the issue?
What can Christian development organizations do to restore and renew men in poverty?
The objectives of the workshop were to brainstorm, discuss, question, confront, and challenge, issues concerning men in poverty with the end view of formulating steps to address men's renewal and restoration.
The workshop was a mixture of reflection sessions, experience sharing, research presentation, and workshops. Through these, the aforementioned objectives were achieved.