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WORKSHOP 2:  Finding the Gap

ORID (Objective, Reflective, Interpretive, Decisional)

November 25, 2014

Participatory reflection using ORID approach in a race fashion (using coloured cards on the wall)


Objective - What words/phrases/images in the finding do you remember the most? (yellow cards)


Reflective - How did you feel about the results? Which of the results did you like? (Pink cards)


Interpretive - which among the result highlights you think are important? Critical? What is your most significant learning? (Green cards)


Decisional - looking at the results of the study and the discussion we had for the whole day, what key priority development issues and challenges face men in poverty? (Blue cards)


Objective of this workshop:  to determine the top five (5) gaps that need to be filled between God’s plan for men and the lives of men in poverty.







ORID method is a form of a structured conversation led by a facilitator.


This method is a tool to analyse facts and feeling, to cull out implications and possibilities, and using these, arrive at decisions that would pave the direction for the organization. 


By asking OBJECTIVE questions, we get the facts and information from the case study presented.  With the REFLECTIVE questions, we gain a deeper level of participation by having personal reactions from the participants. Moving toward INTERPRETIVE questions, we glean significant options and possibilities.  Finally, with the DECISIONAL questions, we develop opinions that lead to future actions, and it clarifies expectations for improvement.




Through this workshop, it was determined that the Top Five (5) Key Strategic Challenges to be addressed are (in no particular order):



Spiritual Transformation

Generational Change (Role Model)

Economic Opportunity


Men Empowerment

Download ORID results here:

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